Introduzione allo scambio in PHP

In questo articolo, impareremo lo scambio di numeri in PHP. Impareremo come definiamo lo scambio, impareremo come programmare per scambiare due numeri, come scambiare più di due numeri e tre numeri e come scambiare numeri con o senza variabili temporanee e altro ancora.

Cominciamo con la definizione prima.

"Scambiare in PHP è un termine definito come scambio di valori".

Lo scambio di due numeri è un processo per scambiare due valori usando o senza usare una variabile temporanea. Spero che questi esempi siano utili a tutti i programmatori che vogliono imparare il concetto di scambio.

Come scambiare due numeri in PHP?

Esistono due modi per scambiare i numeri. Questi numeri contengono valori numerici.

  • Scambiare due numeri con una variabile temporanea.
  • Scambiare due numeri senza una variabile temporanea.

Supponiamo di avere una variabile con un valore 10,

numero1 = 10;

E l'altra variabile con un valore 20,

numero2 = 20;

Scambiando questi due numeri, il risultato dovrebbe essere,

numero1 = 20

numero2 = 10

Ciò è possibile con l'uso della terza variabile temporanea e anche senza una variabile temporanea. Lo scambio di due numeri può essere fatto usando +, -, *, / operatori.

1. Scambiare due numeri con una variabile temporanea


// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo “ ”;
// declaring temporary variable to be zero
$temp = 0;
// performing swap of numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo “ ”;
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;

Uscita :

2. Scambiare due numeri senza variabile temporanea


// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers without using a temporary variable
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statemnt print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temparory variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
$num1 = $num1 - $num2;
$num2 = $num1 + $num2;
$num1 = $num2 - $num1;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;


3. Scambio di due numeri usando una funzione come list () con array ()


// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
// Example of swapping of two numbers using list() with array()
// Declaring two variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping two numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using predefined functions";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
list($num1, $num2) = array($num2, $num1);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;


Come scambiare tre numeri in PHP?

Esistono due modi per scambiare i numeri. Questi numeri contengono valori numerici.

  • Scambiare tre numeri con una variabile temporanea.
  • Scambiare tre numeri senza una variabile temporanea.

1. Scambiare tre numeri usando la variabile temporanea

Ora che abbiamo imparato a scambiare due numeri, in modo simile impariamo a scambiare tre numeri ora. L'esempio seguente mostra come una variabile temporanea (temp) viene utilizzata per scambiare tre numeri.


// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Example of swapping three numbers using temporary variable
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$temp = $num1;
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num3;
$num3 = $temp;
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;


2. Scambiare tre numeri senza usare la variabile temporanea

La logica qui è di calcolare la somma totale e assegnarla a una variabile $ num1.

E poi,

calcola il valore di $ num1, assegna questo valore a $ num2,

calcola il valore di $ num2, assegna questo valore a $ num3,

calcola il valore di $ num3 e assegna nuovamente questo valore a $ num1.


// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
// Declaring three variables
$num1 = 100;
$num2 = 200;
$num3 = 300;
// using echo statement print the variables before swapping three numbers
echo "
"."Swap done without using temporary variable";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Before Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;
echo " ";
// performing swap of numbers
//assign first number the total of three numbers
$num1 = $num1 + $num2 + $num3;
$num2 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num3 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
$num1 = $num1 - ($num2 + $num3);
//using the echo statement print the variables after swapping the numbers
echo "
"."After Swap";
echo " ";
echo "
"."Value of first number is = ". $num1;
echo "
"."Value of second number is = ". $num2;
echo "
"."Value of third number is = ". $num3;



Spero che questo articolo sia utile a tutti i programmatori che desiderano imparare lo scambio di numeri. Questo articolo ha entrambi gli scambi di due e tre numeri con esempi appropriati. Questi esempi se praticati ti aiuteranno ad apprendere il concetto e ti aiuteranno a ricordare anche la logica.

Articoli consigliati

Questa è una guida allo scambio in PHP. Qui discutiamo come scambiare due o tre numeri con o senza l'utilizzo di variabili temporanee insieme ai suoi esempi. Puoi anche consultare i seguenti articoli per saperne di più-

  1. Sessioni in PHP
  2. Pattern in PHP
  3. Cookie in PHP
  4. Sovraccarico in PHP
  5. Sovraccarico in Java
  6. Sovraccarico di Python
